Our Saint's Birthday and Feast Day: january 23

The Sisters of St. Francis “live” compassionate empathy. While Saint Marianne and her sisters dedicated their lives in service to others, we can learn from their example how to practice effective empathy and incorporate it into our daily lives. Our goal is to teach and spread the practice of empathy and challenge our community to be a kinder and gentler place to live, work and grow. 
Visit empathyinactioncny.org for more information.​ 

We are honored to be the source of Saint Marianne Cope’s archives, museum and gift shop created by her community, the Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities.  To share her story and carry on her legacy, we source and create merchandise to convey a dignified, accurate and inspiring message about our Saint Marianne. We invite you to browse through our books, prints, cards, artwork, jewelry and more and hope that you are also inspired by her life of service. 

All profits from the sale of merchandise benefit the Saint Marianne Cope Shrine & Museum and its vision to educate and inspire people to incorporate empathy and compassion for all. 

Our merchandise is developed for you to take into your community and spread these values to promote kindness, peace and unity.  Click here for our gift shop.

COPE gift shop

empathy in action

Saint Marianne Cope

A Sister of St. Francis, Marianne was canonized Oct. 21, 2012. She is the first Franciscan woman from North America to be canonized, and only the 11th American saint. A woman of great valor, this beloved mother of outcasts, spent her early years in central New York where she served as a leader in the field of health care, education and of her own congregation. Responding to a call to care for the poor sick on the then Sandwich Islands, she devoted 35 years to caring for those afflicted with Hansen’s disease on Kalaupapa, Molokai, Hawaii.

​Museum Location
Saint Marianne Cope Museum
​601 North Townsend St.

Syracuse, N.Y. 13203



​Museum & Gift Shop Hours

Appointments To Visit Are Recommended

We are here most weekdays 
9 am-3 pm
You are welcome to visit and shop whenever we can accommodate

To schedule an appointment, 
click here or call 315.422.7999;
​dial 4.

If the time or date you would like to visit is unavailable online; please contact us directly and we will do our best to accommodate. Weekend tours must be scheduled in advance.​​

2025 SAINT MARIANNE COPE Shrine & Museum

Saint Marianne Cope Shrine and Museum is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities


We are excited to offer a space in our museum dedicated to the research of our Saint Marianne Cope archival materials. Students, scholars, enthusiasts, and members of the community are welcome to view our historical documents and artifacts up close. Access to the research space can be arranged by appointment only.


in our effort to spread the message and legacy of saint marianne cope , we welcome GROUP tours. groups of 50 or less can be accommodated and reservations must be made two weeks in advance of the desired tour date. PRESENTATIONS CAN also BE MADE AT YOUR SITE. contact us for details.​